What A Friend We Have In Jesus
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Harvest: Parable of the Barns
The story today is a parable of Jesus. Luke sets the story amidst a series of warnings and encouragements, helping his followers and others who are listening to consider what…

Nehemiah: Moved to Action
This assembly tells the story of Nehemiah at the start of his journey to rebuild the fallen walls of Jerusalem. Whilst living away from his home, Nehemiah felt the need…

Nehemiah: Keeping Going
This assembly tell the story of Nehemiah. It focuses on how he and the people of Jerusalem rebuilt the walls of the city and how they kept going despite others…

Nehemiah: Achieving Goals
This assembly tell the story of Nehemiah. It focuses on how he is now focusing on finishing rebuilding the city and the people returning to it. We learn that Nehemiah…

Stand Up
Stand up stand up for what you believe in Stand up and be brave Stand up stand up for what you believe in Stand up and be brave Some…

Parables of Jesus: The Unforgiving Servant
This assembly tells the parable of the unforgiving servant. It focuses on how he failed to forgive someone even though he was guilty of the same thing on a bigger…

All Saints (Halloween): The Booths
The story today is about the Booths. William and Catherine Booth started the Salvation Army which, to this day, continues to serve the poor and marginalised, the forgotten and the…

Moses: 1 Moses and the Burning Bush
This assembly is the first of a series of three which explore the action-movie –like scenarios that Moses lived through. Children will be amazed at the wild adventures that this…

Moses: 2 Moses and the Ten Plagues
This assembly is the second of a series of three which explore the incredible life of Moses. Today’s story tells of the moment of impact where the majesty of God…