Giants of Faith: Mordecai & Esther (Part 1: Mordecai)
This story appears in the Old Testament and forms part of the story of Israel. This assembly explores the story of Mordecai, a Jew who rose to an important position…

Giants of Faith: Mordecai & Esther (Part 2: Esther)
This assembly explores how Esther, a poor, orphan, Jewish girl became Queen. Esther kept her Jewish heritage quiet until she heard from her Uncle that there had been a plot planned to kill all the Jews, and…

Giants of Faith: Gideon
Gideon was not a brave man but he was chosen by God to lead an army. Gideon collected a group of soldiers to fight the Midianites but God said that…

Giants of Faith: Abraham & Isaac
This Assembly is based on the story of Abraham and his son Isaac. The context for the story is that Abraham and his wife Sarah waited a long time to…

Do Justice: A Fair Society
In our series Do Justice we are exploring the concept of justice – thinking about things that are fair and things that are unfair. We’re also thinking about what part…

Do Justice: Standing Up for Justice
In our series Do Justice we are exploring the concept of justice; looking at things that are fair, and things that are unfair. And we’re also thinking about the part…

Do Justice: Do Justice
In our series Do Justice we are exploring the concept of justice – thinking about things that are fair and things that are unfair. We’re also thinking about what part…

Parables of Jesus: Persistent Widow
This assembly picks up on Jesus explaining how to pray to his disciples. In the middle of his talk he tells a story to encourage them to keep praying. He…

Parables of Jesus: The Good Samaritan
This assembly tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. The film shows a modern retelling of this parable. It focuses on a supporter of a football team who was walking…

Parables of Jesus: The Lost Sheep
This assembly tells the story of the Lost Sheep. One of the shepherd’s sheep wandered off, leaving 99 behind. The shepherd went off to search for it, leaving the others.…

Parables of Jesus: Two Prayers
This assembly tells a parable that Jesus told about being right before God. He challenged a group of people who thought they were right with God. By using a Pharisee…

Joy to the World: Baby Jesus
This assembly tells the Christmas story with a slight difference! We all know the story of Jesus’ birth but have we thought about the Joy that was brought to the…