Giants of Faith: David

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Today we are looking at a very famous story. In fact, it’s possibly one of the most famous stories in the Bible. So much so that there are many phrases used today that link back to this story. David’s fight with Goliath has become the standard when it comes to victory by the underdog. Goliath is described in the Bible as a ferocious champion of the Philistine army. He was almost three metres tall and had weapons and armour to match his scale. It must have taken tremendous courage to stand against him. David didn’t even fight Goliath with a sword and armour. Instead he used nothing but his shepherd’s tools: a staff, some stones and a sling.

David’s courage came about through his trust in God. God had looked after David as a shepherd and David knew that the Lord would look after him against Goliath.

Songs Used in This Assembly: 


  • 1 Samuel 17 (David & Goliath)

BSA Code:

  • BSA00106
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